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Create Better Learning Experience

1. What is Tree-Net

What is Tree-Net

Tree-Net is a dynamic, flexible, and synthesized structure incorporating patterns of our action, perception, and conception in three 'places': in cognitive space, in physical space, and in digital space.

I am trying to design and develop a tool with the same name--Tree-Net Tool-- for helping people understand and apply the structure of Tree-Net, and then co-build this structure.


Relationships among action, conception, and perception

Some brainstorming ideas

Idea 1: With m-modes by Bruner

> Action & enactive mode

> Perception & iconic mode

> Conception & symbolic mode



Idea 2: Action & Conception 

> Conception = Schemes -- Internalized data-structure

> By Piaget: Internalized Action Schemes

> By Bruner: from enactive, to iconic, to symbolic; Discovery-Learning

> By Vygotsky: Internalization through mediation

Idea 3: A few synthesis

> Gagne's Taxnomy: concrete concept & defined concept

> Piaget's 3-types of knowledge: physical knowledge, math/logic knowledge,and social knowledge. I want to link the math/logic one to social knowledge; like how the math/logic is linked with physical knowledge 

Idea 4: A probability-side

The probability-side of learning design: to build a cognitive model in a learner, there is an approximate probability formula:

P (Success)=P (External Team's Efforts)
*P (Learning Material)
*P (Learner's Self Effort)
*P (Other factors)

We want to explicitly consider each factor. 



Relationships among 3-spaces: physical-space, digital-space, and cognitive-space

Some brainstorming ideas 

Idea 1

> Cognitive-space & cognitive-tool 

> Visualizing cognitive-space through projecting to physical-space

> Th part that needs to be visualized is cognitive-space, and how the cognivite space interacts with other spaces

Idea 2 

Enactive Mode Physical space
Iconic Mode

Physical-&-cognitive space

Symbolic Mode

Cogintive space

Digital Space

Idea 3

> How the models form, interact, transform in cognitive space, in a framework

> The framework is a learner; in other words, any cognitive space has dimensions, and one important dimension 'by whose cognitive space'.

Idea 4





