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Combinatory Play

Einstein discovered physical world with combinatory play, which is essentially elaborate analogies

EinsteinIcon "Einstein described his scientific method as combinatory play. He famously used thought experiments, which are essentially elaborate analogies, to come up with some of his greatest discoveries.” (James Geary, in his TED talk ‘Metaphorically Speaking’ )

This combinatory play is adopted by me, in discoverying coginitive world 

Analogy 101: Neuron-tree <==> Book-tree <==> Theory-tree. The shared structure is a tree connecting with many other trees.

For neuron-tree, a neuron can grow new branches, connections between neurons are synaps. New synaps can appear, can grow from weaker to stronger; old connections can dispear, and a lot more!

The whole connection of neuron-trees is like a web with trees as threads. The web is like the network of channels for some 'flowing' activities:

   ~~neural activity in the neuron-tree-web,

   ~~users-visiting-activity in the book-tree-web,

   ~~ learning, using, and innovating activity in the theory-tree-web

Channels determine the 'flowing-activities', on the other side 'flowing-activities' shape channels.

>> What is Neuron-tree?

>> What is Book-tree?

>> What is Theory-tree? 

>> Analogy 101

With using this Analogy 101, I conjecture: if a digital cognitive tool can resemble how the brain operates to some degree, it could be very powerful. The net weaving with tree-structure is an important data-structure in my designed tools.

Analogy 102: with LEGOAdobe Flash,Google MapAmazon, & IBM Cognos

Relating tangible physical world, to digital world, to cognitive world is a major type of analogies used by me.  

For example, I borrow analogies from many digital tools. Sometimes, I go from tools to the processes that these tools address; in other times, I go from processes to the tools.

See how I design analogies between Learning-Assistant with LEGO, Adobe Flash, Google Map, Amazon, & IBM cognos. >> What is Analogy 102?