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Create Better Learning Experience

3. Basic functions

Basic functions

Each basic function is a basic sign activity: sign-creating, & sign-interpreting.

Brainstorming ideas

Idea 1

Each function is a sign activity





Idea 2

Each basic function is like

~ a function in Flash's Action Script

~ a function in Microsoft Word 

~ a cell in an organism

~ a block in a set of LEGO

Idea 3 

Basic functions can be grouped as function groups, which are like

~ Function group in Action Script

~ Function group in Word

Idea 4

Basic functions, and/or function grups can be used to form meaningful tasks.


Idea 5 

Function in Learning-Assistant is SIF: semi-structured illustrated function.

Idea 6

The variable here tend to be discursive, and the set of value is semi-structured: close for a specific situation, open for bigger situations. 

Idea 7

The projection rules for each function can be provisional, probabilistica, multiple, & negotiated.

Idea 8

When using a function, the user determines what to choose in the fuzzy set of values and projection rules.


